Children who like vegetables gather! Doubling fun with colorful playground equipment

Motobu Park and Vegetable Kingdom Chinkuwaland

Motobu Park and Vegetable Kingdom Chinkuwaland


Nanjo City, Yaezaki Town, Haebaru Town, Yonabaru Town

You must also see the sign at the entrance of the park! Let's follow the rules of ten articles There are also rare playground equipment such as playground equipment such as spider webs and bouldering for little children.

Store Details

Store nameMotobu Park and Vegetable Kingdom Chinkuwaland
352, Motobu, Haebaru-cho


About 5 minutes by car from Haebaru Minami IC
TEL 098-889-1632

※Haebaru-cho Urban Development Division

Business hours24 hours
Regular holidayClose
Parking lot Available for free

Okinawa Likes official account