No chemical additives. Ratish soup made with "Pineapple Pork Pine"

Ryushin soba

Ryushin soba

Okinawa soba

Nanjo City, Yaezaki Town, Haebaru Town, Yonabaru Town

The most popular menu where you can enjoy three slices of Ryushin soba and cartilage sauce In-store

Here's the coupon.

Store Details

Store nameRyushin soba
731-1, Ozatonakama, Nanjo-shi


About 7 minutes by car from Haebaru Minami IC
TEL 098-946-7543
Business hours11:00〜16:00(LO.15:00)
Regular holidayTuesday, Wednesday, New Year's Day
Parking lot Yes, 20 units are free.
Payment method


Okinawa Likes official account